Technical and practical principles of German classic poetry into Azerbaijani language

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Theoretical and practical principles of German classic poetry info Azerbaijani language.
by Hamid Arzulu
1181418Theoretical and practical principles of German classic poetry info Azerbaijani language.Hamid Arzulu

H.F. Aliyev "Theoretical and practical principles of German classic poetry info Azerbaijani language" (On the hase of translated works of E.Lessing, V.Goethe, F.Shiller, and H.Heine).



Dissertation consists of three parts. First part is devoted to the theoretical and practical principles of fictional translation investigated question of history and development of different tendencies in science of translation, including different outlook of theorists of fictional translation of Russian and foreign countries. Separate chapter is devoted to the original translation of works from original. It is a unique but correct way of fictional translation. Second part research embraces principles of recreation of poetical styles and original form in translation of German classics into Azerbaijani. In this chapter history of literary ties between Germany and Azerbaijan, stуdy of difficulty of recreation style and poetical poem of originals, also rhythmical features of verses, principles and conformity to natural laws of division stanza, systematic rhythm definition of functionary recreation in Azerbaijani are pure national specific forms of German verses. Third part embraces the problem of recreation of poetical content in translation i.e. semantical, syntactical verse. In this chapter also role and place of personal translators experiences fictional literature in creation of theory and practical of translation has been considered. Main conclusions – consists of poetry of every nation is the highest expressive form of nature of national languages. In this poetical form of language is expressed historical, cultural development of nation, its philosophy, emotional – aesthetical spirit and national character. In order to understand and feel these originalities, essence must be as deep as possible studied and considered carefully. Its interior conformity to natural laws historical development and farming’s, only after this it is possible to translate concrete poem so that it may be reached to any reader. It is necessary to recreate in translation all beauty and originality national form poetry of other nations, stylistic features of concrete author, wealth of poetic context of his works. It necessary to seek more reliable way in creative work for recreating all charmness of originality. Translators need to find in every concrete case functional correspondence allowing to create in translation informally metrical, likeness of originals rhythmic intonation, poetical content and spirit of every work. All these demand and principles studied and set forth in dissertation with concrete comparison and analogue of works by Lessinq, Goethe, Shiller, Heine in Azerbaijani. The Dissertation ends vith resulted nith general results and with the list of used literatures.